Republicans, It's Not Who You Like, But Who Will Win

by Christian Stellakis on Aug 1, 2015 | Views: 115 | Score: 0
% of Republicans that believe the most likely Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election will be...
Jeb Bush36
Scott Walker11
Donald Trump10
Marco Rubio7
Ted Cruz4
Rand Paul4
John Kasich3
Chis Christie2
Ben Carson2
Mike Huckabee1
Lindsey Graham1
Bobby Jindal1
Don't Know / No opinion18
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Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on Aug 1, 2015 10:25 AM said:

The 2016 Republican field is crowded with potential nominees, each with their relatively small base of supporters. Putting favorites aside, though, Republicans believe that more than any other candidate, Jeb Bush will most likely gain the nomination for the Republican party. Bush, with his organized campaign staff, impressive war-chest of wealth, and establishment support, is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with.