How Do You Cope With Stress?

by SavvyRoo on Mar 8, 2015 | Views: 174 | Score: 0
Sleeping less than usualEating less than usualExercising or playing sports less than usualAttending religious services and/or praying more than usualSleeping more than usualEating more than usualWatching TV or playing video games more than usualUsing social media less than usualExercising or playing sports more than usual
% of respondents that handle a great deal of stress by...704443414139332826
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SavvyRoo on Mar 8, 2015 4:52 PM said:

Stress is a natural part of life. The ways individuals handle stress, however, varies considerably from person to person. When faced with a great deal of stress, seven out of ten people respond by sleeping less, while slightly less than half of those surveys cope by eating and excising less.