Do Scientists Really Do Their Best Work in a Lab?

by SavvyRoo on Feb 22, 2015 | Views: 101 | Score: 0
AAAS scientists who say scientists should...0
Take an active roll in public policy debates about science & technology87
Focus on scientific work / stay out of public policy debates13
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SavvyRoo on Feb 22, 2015 8:42 AM said:

Scientists throughout the ages have helped human society progress by building up our understanding of the natural world through observations, tests, and analysis. They have also done much to advance our collective cause when outside the lab in order to engage with policy debates that are relevant to their fields of study. AAAS scientists agree, with nearly 9 in 10 saying that scientists should not simply be confined to a lab, but should take an active, public role in discussing the ramifications of their work.