Unemployment Rate Down from 2014

by SavvyRoo on Feb 5, 2015 | Views: 223 | Score: 0
% of the workforce who are unemployed
Jan 201010.9
Jan 20119.9
Jan 20128.6
Jan 20137.8
Jan 20148.6
Jan 20157.1
Sources: gallup.com
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SavvyRoo on Feb 5, 2015 8:35 AM said:

Gallup's U.S. unemployment rate represents the percentage of adults in the workforce who did not have any paid work in the past seven days, for an employer or themselves, and who were actively looking for and available to work. Gallup's unadjusted U.S. unemployment rate rose 1.3 percentage points to 7.1% in January, similar to the 1.2-point rise last January.