5 Costliest Universities: Private vs. Public (2014)

by SavvyRoo on Feb 2, 2015 | Views: 112 | Score: 0
Public UniversitiesPrivate Universities
Columbia University (NYC)047246
Sarah Lawrence College046924
Vassar College046270
Wesleyan University045928
George Washington University045780
University of Pittsburgh165900
Pennsylvania State Univ.164440
University of New Hampshire164220
Colorado School of Mines156540
University of Vermont152840
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SavvyRoo on Feb 2, 2015 10:17 AM said:

If we exclude the names of the universities and simply focus on the costliest universities in these two categories, the price gap is almost astronomical. Attending the most expensive public school will cost you over 30,00 less a year than if you attended the most expensive private school.