DNA Forensics Vindicate Over One-Third of Wrongly Convicted

by Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 14, 2013 | Views: 165 | Score: 0
Exoneration based on DNA Evidence
Sexual Assault (Adult Victim)84
Percent of All Exonerations37
Sexual Assault (Child Victim)23
Other Vilent Crimes10
Drug and Property Crimes0
Percent of cases where exoneration was based on DNA evidence
Sources: law.umich.edu
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Anthony Sibley (AJ)
Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 14, 2013 11:39 PM said:

In recent decades, DNA evidence has become increasingly mainstream in criminal investigation and legal prosecution and defense. Fortunately, DNA forensics have similarly been retroactively applied to cases involving those convicted before the technology gained acceptance and wide-spread use. Of all exonerations, 37% relied on DNA evidence to determine innocence. Of these, the vast majority have been sexual assault cases.