Should Obama take Executive Action?

by MJ Gewalt on Nov 19, 2014 | Views: 193 | Score: 1
Americans who... Oppose Executive Action48
Support Executive Action38
No Opinion/ Unsure14
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MJ Gewalt
MJ Gewalt on Nov 19, 2014 9:25 AM said:

With President Obama poised to announce his plans for an executive order later this week, Americans are very divided about what should be done regarding immigration policy. Mark Murray, an NBC analyst explained that the results were influenced heavily by parties. "63 percent of Democrats approve of Obama taking executive action here, versus just 11 percent of Republicans and 37 percent of independents."

hgelhot1 on Nov 19, 2014 9:52 AM said:

The truth is, NBC news to the BEST of my recall is quite biased so I do not trust them as a reporting source.

In light of the fact that as of yesterday they scarcely reported ANY or even 0 mentions of Gruber revealing the ObasmaCare scam as an insider. So likely the folks against executive orders are significantly higher!!!

Wouldn't you think?

MJ Gewalt
MJ Gewalt on Nov 19, 2014 10:38 AM said:

Good point. However, NBC/WSJ claims that the poll has a margin of error of 3.1%. The other results of the poll will be posted at 6:30 ET according to the article. Hopefully that will tell us more about how the poll was conducted to see if the data is biased in any way.

Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on Dec 14, 2014 3:41 PM said:

While I would agree that there is likely systemic bias throughout most of the media, bias is most often expressed in the reporting of certain stories over others and the framing of the stories they do present. I wouldn't be as inclined to presuppose bias of a poll, in large part because the polling process and statistical analysis are much more transparent. As the saying goes, "Statistics don't lie, but liars use statistics."