US imprisonment highest in the world

by Amparo C. on Nov 11, 2014 | Views: 196 | Score: 2
number of prisoners per 100,000 of population
United States716
South Africa294
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Amparo C.
Amparo C. on Nov 11, 2014 8:19 PM said:

More than 10.2 million people are held in penal institutions throughout the world. Of these, 2,239,751 are in the United States, approximately the same number of prisoners as in China (1.64 mil) and Russia (0.68 mil) together. More than half of the countries and territories (54%) have rates below 150 per 100,000.

Chris Williams
Chris Williams on Nov 12, 2014 4:17 PM said:

How can 2.2 million be "almost half" of 10.2 million. Additionally, if this scale is dependent on the population size, a country with a population of 1.35 billion (China) would of course be farther to the right and appear to have less prisoners per 100,000 of the population.

Amparo C.
Amparo C. on Nov 12, 2014 5:24 PM said:

Thanks for spotting that mistake, I have corrected it. Regarding, the second part of your comment, the fact that the number of prisoners is normalized over population size is what enables fair comparison across countries.

Chris Williams
Chris Williams on Nov 13, 2014 2:49 AM said:

Thanks for the clarification.

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