SAT Score Correlations with GPA for Early Education Majors

by Liam Duffy on Nov 11, 2014 | Views: 110 | Score: 0
Correlation with SAT-Verbal ScoreCorrelation with SAT-Math ScoreCorrelation with Total SAT Score
GPA at the End of the First Year0.3690.3820.439
GPA at Graduation0.3630.3860.439
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Liam Duffy
Liam Duffy on Nov 11, 2014 11:38 AM said:

In a study by Blue, O'Grady, Toro, and Newell (2002), they found that total SAT scores more strongly correlated with GPA at one year and at graduation from college than the subtest scores among their sample of early education majors. Despite the stronger relationship between the total SAT score and GPA (r=.439), the total score still only explains a little less than 20% of the variability in the GPA of the sample. This begs the question if the SAT is really a strong a predictor of college success as the College Board may make it seem.