SATs: Dropping the Writing Section & What it Means

by SavvyRoo on Sep 23, 2014 | Views: 236 | Score: 2
Men- # of perfect scores in 2013Women- # of perfect scores in 2013
Critical Reading + Mathematics (out of 1600)1164677
Critical Reading + Mathematics + Writing (out of 2400)270224
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SavvyRoo on Sep 23, 2014 9:37 PM said:

Starting in the spring of 2016, the redesigned SATs will be implemented. For everyone, this means the writing section will be optional. However, the real question is: what will it mean for you?

Kathleen Reynolds
Kathleen Reynolds on Sep 25, 2014 7:17 AM said:

Much as I disliked the writing section for the GMAT, I was glad to have the opportunity to show that I was more than just a multiple choice score.

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