Glass Ceiling Unwilling to Shatter

by Dylan Walker on Oct 27, 2014 | Views: 667 | Score: 4
1 year earns, Top .01%1 year earns, Top .09%
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Dylan Walker
Dylan Walker on Oct 27, 2014 5:30 PM said:

A new study, published in NBER, investigated gender disparities in the top 1% of the income distribution. To compile this study they used earning history data gathered by the Social Security Administration from 1981 to 2012. It noted, that in the eighties women only made up about 2% of top 0.1% earner group, and just a little more than 3%. In 2012 those numbers went from 10.5% of the top 0.1%, and 17% of the rest of the top 1%. Even though these numbers have dramatically risen over the years, less than one in five one-percenters are women; men still make up the vast majority.

Kathleen Reynolds
Kathleen Reynolds on Oct 28, 2014 9:20 AM said:

The reference shows that women are under-represented in the top wage-earning group within several industries as well, supporting the notion that this disparity is not simply due to women's career choices. Women need to become better at negotiating their worth, our country needs to support affordable, reliable, convenient childcare options, and employers need to embrace workplace flexibility. These are the tools and policies that will help women continue to close the earnings and promotion gaps.

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