A Killing Cure? The Effect of Marijuana Legalization in CO

by Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Oct 5, 2014 | Views: 251 | Score: 0
Prior to Legalization (2006-08)Following Legalization (2010-12)
Crash Fatalities Involving Marijuana-Positive Drivers (Annual Avg)3557.3
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Anthony Sibley (AJ)
Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Oct 5, 2014 11:19 AM said:

While the data since recreational legalization has yet to be published, analysis of crash fatalities, pre- and post- medical marijuana legalization, exposes a stark increase in the number of dead drivers testing marijuana-positive. While total crash fatalities have decreased 14.8% (2007-12), the share of marijuana-positive dead-drivers more than doubled. Nevertheless, a causal relationship cannot be drawn from these observations, alone.