2013-2014 Top 10 Colleges by Post-Graduate Income

by MJ Gewalt on Nov 12, 2014 | Views: 666 | Score: 8
Starting SalaryMid-Career Salary
Harvey Mudd College73300143000
Stevens Institute of Tech.64900124000
Babson College59700123000
Princeton University56100121000
Stanford University61300119000
Harvard University55300119000
Brown University52300119000
Average Salary After Graduation
Sources: payscale.com
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MJ Gewalt
MJ Gewalt on Nov 8, 2014 6:21 PM said:

The Universities at the top of the college rankings don't always turn out the most successful (if you measure success in dollars) graduates. In 2013-2014, graduates with the highest salaries came from technology and engineering-oriented universities.

hgelhot1 on Nov 12, 2014 8:36 PM said:

What a surprise; good to know!!

peps1160 on Nov 16, 2014 3:12 PM said:

Very interesting! Will show this to my high school Junior who is beginning her college search and visits!

MJ Gewalt
MJ Gewalt on Nov 16, 2014 9:18 PM said:

Great! Sometimes these top universities don't get enough credit because of the big-name Ivy League schools. There are also many smaller liberal arts colleges which are overlooked in some of the bigger rankings, but provide top-notch educations.

migarber on May 3, 2015 5:46 PM said:

Based on this chart it truly shows you that no matter what school you start of in you always have to work your way up from the bottom in the business world. All the starting salaries are much lower then the mid career salaries. Also, most of the higher ranked schools don't always turn out to have the highest starting salaries.

Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on May 11, 2015 9:03 AM said:

That's true enough, but I think what you are purchasing when you attend a ranked school is name recognition and networks. Everyone knows that if you went to Harvard, you are the real deal. Oftentimes the name alone will be enough to secure you an interview or two more that you wouldn't have received otherwise.

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