America's Moral Compass

by Christian Stellakis on Sep 2, 2014 | Views: 112 | Score: 0
Birth ControlDivorceSex outside of marriageStem cell researchGamblingThe death penaltyBuying and wearing animal furHaving a baby out of wedlockGay or lesbian relationshipsMedical Testing on AnimalsDoctor Assisted SuicideAbortionCloning AnimalsPornographySex between teenagersSuicidePolygamyCloning HumansExtramarital Affairs
Percent of Americans that believe ... is/are morally acceptable9069666562615858585752423433301914137
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Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on Sep 2, 2014 4:26 PM said:

Humans are moral beings; our morality defines our beliefs, guides our behavior, and rationalizes our actions. But what, exactly, do Americans believe to be morally acceptable? A recent Gallup poll asked Americans to declare the moral permissibility of 19 different activities. Of those morally ambiguous actions, the use of birth control was the most acceptable moral choice.