“wind-energy” Charts

Wind Energy Can Create US Manufacturing Jobs »

The wind industry now employs 75,000 Americans. U.S. companies and their workers produce approximately 65 percent of every wind turbine…

Natural Resources Defense Council
by: Natural Resources Defense Council
views: 212
Score: 1

Wind Energy Jobs in the US »

Wind power is an affordable, efficient and abundant source of domestic electricity. It's pollution-free and cost-competitive. Today, American wind generates…

Natural Resources Defense Council
by: Natural Resources Defense Council
views: 82
Score: 1

Who's Keeping Your Lights On? Sources of Alternative Energy »

The majority of U.S. electricity is created by coal, but 13% is created by renewable resources. Of these resources, hydroelectric…

Lauren L.
by: Lauren L.
views: 104

Archaic Utility Rules Stall Local Solar Power Development »

Many people expect that solar power will dramatically expand once it becomes less expensive than grid electricity. But archaic utility…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 176