“seatbelt” Charts

Older Women Are More Cautious Drivers Than Men »

When surveyed, American women over age 65 were more likely to avoid driving in certain conditions than men of the…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 201

Fuel Efficiency Over the Years »

Average fuel economy of U.S. light-duty vehicles has increased over 80%, from 13.1 mpg in 1975 to 23.8 mpg in…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 523

Cars vs.Trucks: Which is the true American vehicle? »

Trucks as a percentage of total U.S. light-duty vehicles increased from 16.4% in 1980 to 44.9% in 2004, the highest…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 221

Carpooling to Work Less Popular; More People Driving Alone »

The number of people carpooling to work has decreased from 19.1 million people in 1980 to just 14.4 million in…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 243

Young Americans Aren't Getting Driver's Licenses »

Fewer young Americans are getting their driver's licenses. In 1983, 68.9% of 17-year-olds had driver's licenses, but by 2010, only…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 158

High Schoolers Become Less Likely to Ride with Drunk Drivers »

In 1991, 39.9% of American students in 9th through 12th grade said that they had ridden with a driver who…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 136

Seat Belt Use Among High School Students »

Since 1991, American students in 9th through 12th grade have become less likely to report that they rarely or never…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 172

Decrease in Self-Reported Drinking and Driving »

In 2010, Americans reported drinking and driving about 112 million times, a significant decrease from the 160 million drinking and…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 143

Seat Belt Use by Age and Enforcement Level »

As Americans age, they are more likely to report seat belt use, and the importance of the enforcement level of…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 158

Seat Belt Use by Enforcement Level and Sex »

States that can ticket solely for not wearing a seat belt (primary law) have a higher percentage of citizens reporting…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 149

People Killed in Distraction-Affected Crashes »

The majority of the Americans killed in distraction-affected crashes in 2011 were driving at the time of the crash (61%).…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 144

Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes by Vehicle Type »

Drivers killed while driving a passenger car accounted for about 40% of total driver fatalities in the U.S. in 2011.…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 154