“food-security” Charts

Richest Nations Eat About Twice as Much as Poorest Nations »

Not all of this food is consumed, some of it goes to waste. Because these are averages, note that the…

Colton F.
by: Colton F.
views: 103
Score: 1

The Good Enough To Eat Index »

Global food system is far from perfect: even though there is enough food for everyone on Earth ones go to…

by: Knoema
views: 122

Food Security »

Food security is a situation in which all people of a country have physical and economic access to the amount…

by: Knoema
views: 39

Availability of food across countries »

We tried to estimate how much people pay for food in different countries. In general, price of 1000 Kcal goes…

by: Knoema
views: 67

Difference of Daily Diet Across Countries »

Due to many reasons people all over the world have different composition of their daily diet. Please take a look…

by: Knoema
views: 210