In An Age of Hyped-Up Fears, Americans Discard Their Freedom
by Peter Graham on Aug 14, 2014 | Views: 248 | Score: 3
Americans' privacy is sacred, and should be maintained no matter what | 13 |
Americans' privacy is more important than security, but both should be considered when they conflict | 25 |
Americans' security is more important than privacy, but both should be considered when they conflict | 51 |
Americans' safety is sacred, and should be maintained no matter what | 10 |
60% of Americans are of the opinion that the nation's security is more important than the privacy of its citizens. Given that there are relatively few regions on Earth more stable, safe and prosperous in the past few hundred years of history, it is a wonder how quickly a nation has gone back on key founding principles.
Here's an interesting article on the American Police State:…
Here's a video of Bill Maher that went viral shedding some light on the topic.
"Once you start dressing an equipping people like an occupying army, they start acting like one."
- Bill Maher Zain…
Just some interesting points to consider!
I thought we learned all of this 40 years ago with the Stanford Zimbardo prison study. (
Dress people like guards, they act authoritarian. Dress them like commandos and guess what you'll get?