Unionized Women Have an Advantage

by CEPR on Jul 30, 2014 | Views: 261 | Score: 0
Unionized women, from 2009-2013, who have completed... Less than High School degreeHigh School degreeSome CollegeCollege degreeAdvanced degree
Union wage advantage for women by level of education8.21514.713.49.2
Sources: cepr.net
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CEPR on Jul 23, 2014 7:56 PM said:

The following chart shows the average union wage premium, in percent terms, with education levels ranging from less than a high school degree to an advanced degree. The effect is weakest for women with the least education and most formal education. Yet women who have completed high school and those with some college experience have the most to gain.

Anonymous on Aug 14, 2014 10:15 PM said:

I don't get why ionized women fair worse than unionized women...