For all mortgage loans, the rate of 90+ day delinquencies has fallen by more than half, from 5.02% at the peak to 2.41% in Q1 of 2014. That is progress, but this takes us back only as far as the 2008 level. The current rate is still 2.7 times as high as the 2002 average delinquency rate, which was 0.89%.
For all mortgage loans, the rate of 90+ day delinquencies has fallen by more than half, from 5.02% at the peak to 2.41% in Q1 of 2014. That is progress, but this takes us back only as far as the 2008 level. The current rate is still 2.7 times as high as the 2002 average delinquency rate, which was 0.89%.