How to Save Money on your Next Car

by Jacob Jedamus-Denu on Mar 4, 2014 | Views: 472 | Score: 14
Lifetime Gasoline Consumption (Gallons)Lifetime Fuel Costs ($)
Electric Vehicles05200
Gas Hybrid Vehicles (50 mpg)33009800
Gas-Powered Vehicles (27 mpg)610018000
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Jacob Jedamus-Denu
Jacob Jedamus-Denu on Mar 4, 2014 7:35 PM said:

Go electric. Initial purchasing costs are similar among the three vehicle types and although gas-powered vehicles can travel over 300 miles further without stopping, in the long-run you'll save an average of $12,800 by going electric. In addition, when accounting for all pollution costs, electric cars produce less global warming emissions than gas-powered.

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