Why is Obamacare So Unpopular? Hint: It's Not

by Noah on Apr 21, 2014 | Views: 292 | Score: 2
Favor (%)Aware Included in ACA (%)
Individual Mandate4074
Employer Mandate5771
Subsidy Assistance7662
Medicare Expansion7159
Healthcare Exchanges8058
Increase Medicare Payroll Tax6054
Guaranteed Issue6653
Close Medicare "doughnut hole"8146
Medical Loss Ratio6540
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Noah on Feb 28, 2014 11:40 AM said:

Many of the individual provisions within the ACA are popular among majorities of Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans. And yet, most Americans still do not support the law. Not only are the most popular provisions some of the least known, but the least popular ones are known by nearly three-in-four Americans. How can an uninformed electorate make sound choices?

favorite of Anthony Sibley (AJ)