Government Spending: No, It's Not Out of Control

by The National Memo on Nov 4, 2013 | Views: 411 | Score: 2
% Rise in Annual Government Spending
George W. Bush8.1
George H.W. Bush5.4
Ronald Reagan4.9
Bill Clinton3.9
Barack Obama1.4
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The National Memo
The National Memo on Nov 4, 2013 4:31 AM said:

Contrary to the myth of federal profligacy under President Obama, total expenditures for FY 2013 and 2014 have gone down for two years running. Overall, since 2009 government spending has risen at an annualized rate of only 1.4%, as compared to 8.1% during George W. Bush’s second term, 4.9% during Reagan’s, 5.4% under George H.W. Bush, and 3.9% under Clinton.

Anonymous on Nov 4, 2013 7:36 AM said:

Problem is the OBAMA haters don't want to hear the truth. The are diehard Republicans who hear only what they want to hear and nothing more.

Anonymous on Nov 4, 2013 11:42 AM said:

Amen, joyce light. Those FOOLS.

Anonymous on Nov 10, 2013 4:23 AM said:

The cause for the flat spending is the lack of a budget and the use of "Continuing Resolutions", which prevent any increase in spending (even prevent the "normal" 7% annual rise in the annual budget as "flat" budget.) This is the one thing that has led to a slowing of the deficit, which is, now only 600 Billion dollars in the hole this year.

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