Raising The Children: Which Spouse Does More?

by SavvyRoo on Nov 13, 2015 | Views: 196 | Score: 0
Mother does moreFather does moreShare equally
Managing children's schedules / activities54639
Taking care of children while they're sick47647
Disciplining children201761
Playing or doing activities with children221664
% of parents in households where both parents are employed full-time saying...
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SavvyRoo on Nov 13, 2015 2:18 PM said:

Raising children can be a full time job, and for parents that also work full time, the challenge is immense. Nevertheless, when it comes to child rearing, a great deal of responsibility still falls on the mother. The majority of parents report sharing equal responsibility disciplining and playing with their children but managing their children's schedules and taking care of their children when sick are still primarily the mother's job.