Working Parents: The Gender Disparity

by SavvyRoo on Oct 2, 2015 | Views: 185 | Score: 0
Working full timeWorking part timeNot working at allDon't know / No opinion
Men with young children702046
Women with young children1247338
% of Americans that said...
What is the ideal working situation for...
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SavvyRoo on Oct 2, 2015 6:41 PM said:

In American society today, gender still plays a key role in our perceptions of work and parenting. While the vast majority of Americans believe that it is the role of a father to work a job full time, only about one in eight believe the same for women with young children. While only one in twenty five Americans believe it to be the ideal situation for a man to be unemployed, a third believe that mothers should not be working at all.