Are You Proud To Be An American?

by SavvyRoo on Jul 2, 2015 | Views: 203 | Score: 0
How proud are you to be an American? % of Americans that said...
Extremely Proud54
Very Proud27
Moderately Proud14
A Little Proud4
Not Proud At All1
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SavvyRoo on Jul 2, 2015 12:18 PM said:

Despite many of America's more recent struggles, American pride remains a mainstay of US culture to this day. According to a recent Gallup poll, about eight in ten Americans report feeling a considerable amount of pride in their nationality, saying that they were either "extremely" or "very" proud to be Americans. Only a minute fraction of the public does not hold their American heritage in any regard.

Noah on Jul 3, 2015 6:54 AM said:

As a Christian country aren't we supposed to dislike pride as a deadly sin?

Perry P.
Perry P. on Jul 3, 2015 9:56 AM said:

Good question Noah. I'll let the Christians answer that. My thoughts are that pride should not emanate from an accident of birth. I was born white male in the US and none are a source of pride. I feel fortunate to have been born in the US. If you want to get elected to an office in the US then you should pay attention to this. For me, what little I may have accomplished or good feelings I've generated in others from my actions, that's the source of my pride.

Noah on Jul 3, 2015 2:21 PM said:

Well said. I've always found pride in others or in things to be a strange emotion. But I'm clearly in a small minority. (In so many ways.)