Americans Are Becoming Sunday School Dropouts

by SavvyRoo on May 20, 2015 | Views: 254 | Score: 0
Evangelical ProtestantUnaffiliatedCatholicMainline ProtestantNon-Christian faiths
% of Americans that religiously identify as...
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SavvyRoo on May 20, 2015 6:07 AM said:

Christianity is on the decline in the United States, with more and more Americans opting for the nonreligious lifestyle. According to a study by Pew Research, all facets of Christianity have declined in recent years, while the percent of Americans that do not identify as religious has increased significantly.

Perry P.
Perry P. on May 20, 2015 2:19 PM said:

This is even more interesting when juxtaposed to the graph "Does Religion Build a Better Society." We cling to the idea that religion will somehow make us better even as we fall away. Question to the author: does your data show that Islam is the only religion that is growing in the US?

Noah on May 20, 2015 2:28 PM said:

Interesting reference to other chart - deserving of a link -…

Noah on May 20, 2015 2:32 PM said:

And looks like the growing religions are Muslims (from .4 to .9%), Hindus (from .4 to .7%) and a catch all of other smaller mostly Eastern religions (from 1.2 to 1.5%).

Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on May 20, 2015 7:09 PM said:

Noah's correct. While Christianity is on the decline in the United States and throughout the world, not all religions are falling. While the general trend in the United States is away from religion, this is certainly not the case everywhere. Take China for instance: despite its authoritarian and anti-religious state, Chinese citizens are increasingly accepting Christianity as their faith. Here is a chart that documents the trend:…

Audiodramatist on Jun 18, 2015 7:41 PM said:

Thank God...

While fairy tales and such give children moral groundings and warnings.

Religious texts and such give young folks and young adults further moral and warning groundings.

But as an adult, one is supposed to leave childish things behind because by adulthood one should be fully indoctrinated and have a moral/warning mind of ones own.

Hey America: Welcome to Adulthood.