Workplace Barriers for Business Women

by dianas17 on May 17, 2015 | Views: 189 | Score: 0
Women are held to higher standards43
Not ready to hire women leaders43
Family responsibilities do not leave enough time23
Women do not have sufficient connections20
Women are not tough enough9
Women do not make as good managers7
Why do women not hold top executive business positions?
Percentage of Americans
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dianas17 on May 17, 2015 9:09 PM said:

This chart depicts why women do not hold top job positions. According to the majority of Americans surveyed, it is not because of traditional reasons such as family responsibilities, insufficient leadership capabilities, or lack of intelligence. The prevailing belief among four in ten Americans is that a double standard exists where women have to prove themselves more compared to men. Similarly, 43% believe that employers are not ready to hire women to top roles. As women continue the fight for workplace equality, it is important to recognize evolving social barriers.