Less than One-Quarter Facing Higher Premiums Got Subsidies

by The Heritage Foundation on May 12, 2015 | Views: 102 | Score: 0
Sources: dailysignal.com
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The Heritage Foundation
The Heritage Foundation on May 12, 2015 7:32 AM said:

Removing the ACA’s costly insurance requirements would benefit more than just those who got subsidies. For the 34 states affected by King v. Burwell, this table shows the total number of enrollees in plans subject to the ACA’s costly insurance requirements, compared with the subset who received offsetting exchange subsidies, in 2014.

Robert A.
Robert A. on May 14, 2015 8:57 AM said:

The whole reason that healthcare policies are required to cover more now is to insure that the costs of the healthcare itself are met by the insurance policy, not the individual.

Indeed, we could have cheaper insurance premiums, if the insurance policy covered less healthcare and the costs of uncovered healthcare had to be paid by individuals. However, lack of healthcare insurance coverage led to soaring healthcare costs. With rising healthcare costs, those who had insurance had to pay higher insurance premiums, because the hospitals needed to get paid for people who did not have (adequate) insurance coverage or the money to pay for their healthcare.

Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on May 26, 2015 7:01 AM said:

Remember, though, this idea was pitched as one that would lower the cost of healthcare for all those involved through the idea of spreading risk. This decreasing cost, however, has not come to fruition. Indeed, for many Americans the healthcare premiums have increased substantially.