Average weekly salary determined by the level of education

by adrian.giwa on Apr 17, 2015 | Views: 59 | Score: 0
purple bars
Doctoral Degree1591
Professional Degree1639
Masters Degree1326
Bachelor's Degree1101
Associates Degree792
Some College no Degree741
High School Diploma668
Less Than a High School Diploma488
Level of Education
2014 Average Weekly Salary
Sources: bls.gov, bls.gov, bls.gov
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adrian.giwa on Apr 17, 2015 9:10 AM said:

Recently I overheard two teenagers discussing the benefits of a college education. One teenager stated that if he wanted to get a good job he has to go to college. He further stated that even after completing college he still has to go to school for his Master's degree if he wanted to make "great" money. The other teenager seemed puzzled but agreed. With all the debate about student loans and if education is worth it, I believe we still need to remember the value of an education and what we give up if we don't pursue higher education.