Educated Parent's Don't Mind Expensive Kindergarten

by Jacob Jedamus-Denu on Feb 8, 2015 | Views: 275 | Score: 0
Annual Enrichment Expenditures on Children in Top Income BracketBottom Income Bracket
In 2008 Dollars
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Jacob Jedamus-Denu
Jacob Jedamus-Denu on Feb 8, 2015 8:39 AM said:

According to the Economist, "Between 1960 and 2005 the share of men with university degrees who married women with university degrees nearly doubled, from 25% to 48%." Parents whose education have translated into financial stability seem to be investing heavily in their children's futures, while those with less means too often have to choose between essential commodities and investments.

Peter Graham
Peter Graham on Feb 8, 2015 6:29 PM said:

Do the dollar values represent yearly costs of kindergarten for these different income brackets?

Jacob Jedamus-Denu
Jacob Jedamus-Denu on Feb 10, 2015 5:19 AM said:

Thanks Peter, this graph is showing annual education enrichment spending on children's education in the top and bottom family income brackets.