Was It Considered Sexual Harassment in 1980?

by Kaitlin Senk on Jul 23, 2013 | Views: 110 | Score: 0
Pressure for sexual favors9184
Deliberate touching, cornering9183
Suggestive letters, calls, materials9387
Pressure for dates7776
Suggestive looks, gestures7259
Sexual teasing, jokes, remarks6253
Type of Uninvited Behavior By A Supervisor
% of Women/Men Who Considered It Harassment
Sources: mspb.gov
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Kaitlin Senk
Kaitlin Senk on Jul 23, 2013 9:46 AM said:

In 1980, less men than women considered these forms of harassment to actually constitute sexual harassment. For certain behaviors like suggestive looks and gestures or sexual teasing and remarks, even women were reluctant to label these actions harassment. Not having a clearly defined and agreed upon concept of sexual harassment is a potentially dangerous situation.