Political Engagement In Developing Nations

by SavvyRoo on Dec 20, 2014 | Views: 92 | Score: 0
% of respondents from developing nations that say this is effective
Voting in an election75
Attending a political event50
Participating in organized protest42
Being a member of a political organization40
Participating in a labor strike38
Calling a radio/TV show38
Signing a petition35
Contacting a government official34
Posting political comments/articles online27
Sources: pewglobal.org
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SavvyRoo on Dec 20, 2014 9:22 AM said:

When it comes to political activism within developing nations, many of the citizens just don't see the point. Besides voting in elections, the majority of the public don't view political activities as effective. Simply put, they believe that they can shout all they want, but nobody's listening.