The Deadly Truth About Painkillers

by Jason on Dec 17, 2014 | Views: 641 | Score: 10
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Jason on Dec 17, 2014 11:06 AM said:

Learn The Deadly Truth About Painkillers from KLEAN Treatment Centers. This epidemic is effecting people around the globe.

Peter Graham
Peter Graham on Jan 4, 2015 6:01 PM said:

The current painkiller question seems to reflect the same old "Mother's Little Helper" phenomenon the Rolling Stones sang about in the 1960s. Just because it comes from a doctor does not mean it is any safer or less addictive than what is found on the street. People should be better informed on the matter before finding themselves or a loved one dependent in the long term on any narcotic-based prescription medication.

Jason on Jan 5, 2015 5:50 AM said:

Thanks for the great insight Peter!

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