What Do We Admire Most In An Individual?

by SavvyRoo on Dec 6, 2014 | Views: 144 | Score: 1
Americans that believe the act is ... A major reason for admirationA minor reasonNot a reason at all
Doing what is right despite the consequences76159
Willing to risk personal safety to help others682012
Not giving up until a goal is accomplished652312
Staying level-headed during a crisis642610
Doing more than what is expected of them642413
Changing society for the better632413
Overcoming Adversity612712
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SavvyRoo on Dec 6, 2014 4:56 PM said:

Throughout our lives, we look up to people as heroes. Teachers, parents, celebrities and religious figures are all people we admire and aspire to be like. But what admirable actions separate certain individuals from the pack? According to a Harris Interactive survey, the willingness to do what is right, regardless of the consequences is heralded as the most admirable action.