Americans volunteered most of their hours in which institutions... Religious | 33 |
Educational or youth service | 25.6 |
Social or Community Service | 14.7 |
Hospital or other health | 7.3 |
Civic, political, professional, or international | 5.1 |
Sport, hobby, cultural, or arts | 4 |
Other | 3.9 |
Environmental or animal care | 2.7 |
Not determined | 2.5 |
Public Safety | 1.1 |
Religious and Educational institutions received the bulk of America's volunteer hours in 2013. These significant percentages suggest what Americans are most passionate about and what society values most. I find this interesting because 3/7 volunteers in the US are married. I wonder if other categories would be more prominent if singles put in more hours.
Likewise, the National Charity League, especially the Gateway Chapter, would be interested to know this!