Louisiana Run-off Senate Race

by Alejandro Esquino Gomez on Oct 20, 2014 | Views: 96 | Score: 0
% of voters who support Mary Landrieu (D)% ... Bill Cassidy (R)
CNN/ Opinion Research (9/25)4750
Public Policy Polling (9/28)4548
CBS News/ New York Times/ YouGov (10/1)4147
Rasmussen Reports (10/14)4352
Real Clear Politics Average (10/14)4449.3
2014 Senate Midterm Election Runoff Polling Data
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Alejandro Esquino Gomez
Alejandro Esquino Gomez on Oct 20, 2014 1:22 PM said:

It is unlikely that any candidate will receive 50% of the vote due to a second Republican candidate Rob Maness. However, in the run-off election that would result on December 6, polls have Republican challenger Bill Cassidy ahead by an average margin of 5.3 points. Will Republican challenger Rob Maness bow-out of the race to achieve potential victory in November?