Mideast Views Religious/Ethnic Hatred As Global Threat
by SavvyRoo on Oct 20, 2014 | Views: 221 | Score: 2
Believe that religious & ethnic hatred is top global threat | |
Middle East | 34 |
Africa | 24 |
U.S. | 24 |
Europe | 15 |
Asia | 13 |
Latin America | 9 |
With rising Islamophobia and the ongoing conflicts engulfing the Middle East, it is no wonder that Middle Easterners view religious and ethnic hatred as a top global threat.
Human psyche is fascinating. Take away 1 day - granted 9/11 is a pretty important day - but take away that one day and there have been a total of 2 deaths in the US from Islamic terrorism in the last 20 years. That's 1/decade. Yet 24% of us still see that as the top global threat.
That's a great comment Noah. It's interesting to wonder what these statistics would look like if we took away that single day.
Well, we lost 17 US sailors on the USS Cole 14 years ago this month. While not on US soil, this was an unprovoked attack on the US by Islamic terrorists. I would include any events in which US embassies, etc, are targets and not limit it to within the US border.