Mideast Views Religious/Ethnic Hatred As Global Threat

by SavvyRoo on Oct 20, 2014 | Views: 221 | Score: 2
Believe that religious & ethnic hatred is top global threat
Middle East34
Latin America9
Sources: pewglobal.org
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SavvyRoo on Oct 20, 2014 12:39 AM said:

With rising Islamophobia and the ongoing conflicts engulfing the Middle East, it is no wonder that Middle Easterners view religious and ethnic hatred as a top global threat.

Noah on Oct 21, 2014 5:51 AM said:

Human psyche is fascinating. Take away 1 day - granted 9/11 is a pretty important day - but take away that one day and there have been a total of 2 deaths in the US from Islamic terrorism in the last 20 years. That's 1/decade. Yet 24% of us still see that as the top global threat.

Jacob Jedamus-Denu
Jacob Jedamus-Denu on Oct 21, 2014 9:48 AM said:

That's a great comment Noah. It's interesting to wonder what these statistics would look like if we took away that single day.

Kathleen Reynolds
Kathleen Reynolds on Oct 22, 2014 8:00 PM said:

Well, we lost 17 US sailors on the USS Cole 14 years ago this month. While not on US soil, this was an unprovoked attack on the US by Islamic terrorists. I would include any events in which US embassies, etc, are targets and not limit it to within the US border.