“treatment” Charts

Mental Illness Treatment Severely Under-Serviced »

A key factor to the burden of mental disorders is the lack of appropriate treatment. Global estimates mask variations between…

by: BeyondThePurchase.Org
views: 338
Score: 1

People with Anxiety in the U.S. Who Seek Treatment »

According to a study published in 2005, a large majority of people in the U.S. do not seek treatment for…

by: kendramayer2017
views: 95

Cost Is A Growing Problem For Healthcare Treatment »

Though many proponents of Obamacare claim that the legislation will decrease the costs of healthcare treatment, Americans' tendencies show just…

Christian Stellakis
by: Christian Stellakis
views: 101

Effect of different treatment methods of bulimia nervosa »

This chart compares the effect of Cognitive-Based Therapy (CBT) and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy on patients with bulimia nervosa. Improvement is shown…

by: kendramayer2017
views: 146

Bipolar Disorder and Treatment Standards »

The healthcare system is responsible for the majority of cases where users receive only minimally adequate treatment. Bipolar Disorder is…

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
by: Alejandro Esquino Gomez
views: 188