“soldiers” Charts

How Do Americans Feel About the Bergdahl Exchange? »

Pew Research Center and USA TODAY found that while this specific prisoner exchange is viewed negatively, most think the U.S.…

by: Noah
views: 205
Score: 4

How To Deal With ISIS, According To Americans »

The vast majority of Americans agree that action must be taken against ISIS. While simply providing humanitarian support to refugees…

Christian Stellakis
by: Christian Stellakis
views: 339
Score: 2

The Taliban Swap: Putting American Soldiers at Risk? »

A recent Fox News poll asked Americans whether they were concerned that the exchange of five terrorists for one American…

Christian Stellakis
by: Christian Stellakis
views: 124
Score: 1

Soldier Suicide »

A survey given to 5,000 non-deployed soldiers recorded suicidal thoughts and actions throughout their lifetime. The survey found that 13.9%…

Maria Donnelly
by: Maria Donnelly
views: 114
Score: 1