“shared-hope” Charts

Breakdown of a Pimp »

A trafficker is anyone who profits by receiving cash or other benefits in exchange for sex with a minor. These…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 265
Score: 2

Protected Innocence Challenge: How Does Your State Compare »

The Protected Innocence Challenge is a comprehensive study of existing state laws designed to inspire and equip advocates. Under the…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 135

Solutions to Sex Trafficking: Jail and Letters »

83% of buyers said jail time and 79% said a letter sent to their family would be a deterrent to…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 108

Girls More Likely To Be Sexually Victimized »

1 out of 5 girls, and 1 out of 10 boys will be sexually victimized by the time they reach…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 88

Porn: How Many Watch it and What is it Doing to Your Brain »

48% of men use pornography once a week or more often. Pornography rewires the male brain to become dependent on…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 147

Who Is to Blame for Sex Trafficking? »

A trafficker is anyone who profits by receiving cash or other benefits in exchange for sex with a minor. These…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 193