“nation” Charts

What's The Biggest Problem Facing the Nation? »

Are Americans unable to come together to decide on a single top problem facing the nation, or are there simply…

The National Memo
by: The National Memo
views: 628
Score: 6

America Is Still A Christian Nation »

In 2014, two-thirds of the American public identified themselves as followers of the Christian doctrine. For most Americans, then, the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 184
Score: 2

The Miraculous Spread Of Christianity In China »

Even though religious persecution in China is well documented, that fact has not stopped Christianity from spreading through the region…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 179
Score: 2

The Porn Industry Is Bigger Than You Think »

The porn industry is a massive entity, with over three thousand dollars being spent on internet porn every second. Amazingly,…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 468

The Greatest Threats To Our Nation's Security »

Be afraid. Be very afraid. For many Americans, certain dangers pose major threats to the security of their nation. What…

by: Noah
views: 128