“debt-limit” Charts

Debt Limit Increases the Most Under President Obama »

President Obama, after less than five years in office, has already increased the debt limit by more than any other…

The Heritage Foundation
by: The Heritage Foundation
views: 184

Debt ceiling hits as national debt reaches $17.3 trillion »

Since Congress first rendered the debt limit inoperative by suspension in January 2013, the national debt grew by nearly $900…

The Heritage Foundation
by: The Heritage Foundation
views: 260

Great Way to Destroy GOP Brand - Default on Our Debt »

Many Republicans think a fight over raising the debt limit is where they can win a delay of Obamacare. What…

The National Memo
by: The National Memo
views: 262

Obama's Approval Slipping Among Democrats »

President Obama is averaging a 78% approval rating among Democrats after being at 80% or higher for the last 20…

Michael Collier
by: Michael Collier
views: 106