“community” Charts

Local Businesses Generate More Wealth for Communities »

In addition to a loss in local spending generated, communities also sacrifice social benefits fostered by ownership of local business,…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 460
Score: 5

The Politics of Where and How You Live »

Liberals and conservatives disagree about more than just who to vote for. According to a Pew research study, liberals also…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 331
Score: 5

Volunteer: Do it for the Kids »

The child abuse hotline in San Diego, CA receives an estimate of 80,000 calls per year. Juvenile Judges, Attorneys, and…

Caroline Arechiga
by: Caroline Arechiga
views: 166
Score: 2

Worker-Owned Co-ops Could Save Businesses and Jobs »

When the Seiles decided to retire last year, they sold their businesses to employees. Only 30% of family-owned businesses, like…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 267
Score: 2

Most Americans Agree: We Don't Pay Our Teachers Enough »

They are given the daunting task of molding the minds of America's future, yet a majority of the public believe…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 216

Growing Coop Sector Across The Pond »

Despite being the birthplace of modern-day cooperativism, the UK’s co-op sector has remained relatively small. However, since the financial crisis,…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 105

Do You Want To Build A Coop: 4 Ways Coops Are Started »

Worker cooperatives are an important part of the community wealth building toolbox. A new report by Democracy Collaborative assesses the…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 144

Why We Need More Backyard Farming Programs »

"Re:farm Denver" supplies families with everything they need for backyard gardens, from irrigation systems to seeds. The program has grown…

YES! Magazine
by: YES! Magazine
views: 719

Local Solar Power is Best »

For solar power, bigger isn't better. Instead, solar sized to the community and built in the community can be built…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 222

Assets of Community-Based Financial Institutions Increasing »

This allows local entrepreneurship to thrive by making it possible for small businesses to take out loans that traditional lenders…

New Economy Working Group
by: New Economy Working Group
views: 146