“climate” Charts

Warmer Winters Threaten Future Olympics »

More than a dozen previous hosts of the Winter Olympics may be unable to host future games by the 2080's…

by: Rachel
views: 448
Score: 3

Males Are More Likely Than Females to be Killed by Lightning »

Of the 210 reported fatal lightning incidents in the U.S. from 2006 to 2011, 81% of the victims were male…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 611
Score: 2

The Cost of Fighting Climate Change »

President Obama recently unveiled a proposal to cut carbon emissions by forty percent from their 2005 levels. The plan is…

by: Noah
views: 196
Score: 1

Political Parties' Planetary Priorities »

Clearly a divisive issue, climate change's reality and effects were recently discussed by the House Committee on Science, Space, and…

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
by: Alejandro Esquino Gomez
views: 130

Supporting the EPA is the Way to Get the Vote »

Likely voters in 11 states around the country show support for candidates who endorse the Environmental Protection Agency's regulations on…

Jillian Schweizer
by: Jillian Schweizer
views: 151

City Mayors Help Take Action Against Climate Change »

Mayors of major cities everywhere are taking action alongside the public to implement significantly greener policies. Efficient energy is definitely…

Jillian Schweizer
by: Jillian Schweizer
views: 120

Lightning's in the Sky in July »

Of the 210 reported fatal lightning incidents in the U.S. from 2006 to 2011, over 30% occurred in July, making…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 155

Fatal Lightning Incidents by Activity »

Of the 210 reported fatal lightning incidents in the U.S. from 2006 to 2011, 62% of the victims were struck…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 437

Global Warming Still Got You Skeptical? Look No Further »

Year-by-year climate change significance is often debated, with opponents of global warming relating any temperature increase to solar flares and…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 96