Bush And Obama: 2nd Term Woes

by SavvyRoo on Jul 28, 2014 | Views: 134 | Score: 0
% Of Americans That Say ... They Approve Of The PresidentThe President Is TrustworthyThe President Cares About People Like MeThe President Is Able To Get Things DoneThe President Is A Strong Leader
President George W. Bush (Data From 2006)3641414243
President Barack Obama (Data From 2014)4451544447
Sources: pewresearch.org
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SavvyRoo on Jul 26, 2014 10:47 AM said:

Both President Bush and President Obama have polled poorly their second term in office. Although at this point in their presidencies the two commanders-in-chiefs have received approval ratings significantly below fifty percent, similar polls from 2006 and today show that Obama scored higher than his predecessor in both trustworthiness and compassion but was relatively equal in effective governance.