Caffeinated! A Breakdown of America's Favorite Beverage

by SavvyRoo on Jul 2, 2014 | Views: 138 | Score: 0
Coffee drinkers who have a a cup within the first hour of waking up...add cream and/or sugar...claim to need a cup of coffee to start their day...say coffee makes them feel more like their self...over the age of 18 that drink coffee everyday...prefer their coffee black...drink 13 or more cups of coffee each week
Coffee Statistics68656054543524
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SavvyRoo on Jul 2, 2014 12:34 PM said:

With its addictive ingredient caffeine, comforting qualities, and its ability to help you get the day going, coffee is the ultimate go to elixir for many Americans. So go ahead and kick back, sip your coffee, and see where you may fall in these coffee-craze statistics!