The Hobby Lobby Decision in the Court of Public Opinion
by Christian Stellakis on Jun 30, 2014 | Views: 661 | Score: 11
Employers should have the right to choose what forms of contraceptives their health plans provide, based on their religious beliefs. Strongly Disagree | 40.1 |
Somewhat Disagree | 12.8 |
Somewhat Agree | 15.1 |
Strongly Agree | 19.6 |
Don't Know | 12.4 |
Luckily for Hobby Lobby, their case was decided by nine Supreme Court Justices, not the public. A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll found that the majority of the American people disagree with the Supreme Court ruling that Hobby Lobby has the right, due to their religious beliefs, to choose whether to provide contraceptives in their healthcare plan.