A Piece of Chocolate a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

by SavvyRoo on Jun 22, 2014 | Views: 419 | Score: 8
Created with Highcharts 4.2.3 /Highstock 4.2.3%By Eating a Piece ofChocolate a Day theChances of This CanBe DecreasedHeart DiseaseStroke0510152025303540
By Eating a Piece of Chocolate a Day the Chances of This Can Be Decreased
Heart Disease37
Sources: webmd.com
SavvyRoo on Jun 22, 2014 7:41 PM said:

Chocolate is usually given in a heart shaped box on Valentine's Day, but who knew that it could help the heart in general? Studies show several positive traits of consuming chocolate so don't be afraid to grab that piece of chocolate, but remember everything is better in moderation.

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