The Costs of Our Overseas Military Presence

by Cato Institute on Nov 12, 2013 | Views: 635 | Score: 2
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Cato Institute
Cato Institute on Nov 12, 2013 8:25 AM said:

Americans have long been frustrated by inequitable burden sharing, with many of our wealthy allies spending a fraction of what we do on defense. So why don't our allies pay their share? We agree to defend them, while they agree to let us, allowing them to spend more on everything else, essentially getting to free-ride on global security.

Anonymous on Nov 12, 2013 3:36 PM said:

They don't pay their share because they don't want to and they don't have to! Didn't you know we are the keeper of the nations. It's our job to give them aid, to fight their wars, to be help countries at conflict to compromise, to make sure they have good schools and food and homes and clothes'; when our own children do not.. This will not change. We for some reason have taken on this job, Let's just try to get rid of the Secretary of State's position! We are a proud nation. Yes, we should absolutely protect our country from foreign threats. But, these foreign threats are not going to stop. They are done in the name of the religion. I have so much respect for these men and women who go into places of unknown and unsafe. I ache in my heart when I hear another one has died. They are fighting for us! For our rights, our lives ,our right to worship the God we chose, or chose not to, But. I really feel angry when we fight, die and leave children, wives, husbands, fathers, mothers and friend, just because no one else will step up and take responsibility. WE are not the keepers of the world. Yes, let's help. But, shouldn't our country come first?

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